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Making Journal #2 - January '25


A few images of the making process here - layering up and rolling out sections of clay to create patterns that are embedded into the piece.

Circles will often feature in my work, as symbols of continuity and the cycles of seasons and nature. I like that the eye can keep moving when the image is presented in a circular format, and I'm finding that the patterns naturally lend themselves to this shape.

This said, I've been experimenting with other shapes, using squares (image below) and working out the balance of dense patterning to space within the images.

Above, the left and middle images are a before and after kiln shot, showing the difference in colour once the pieces are fired.

The image on the right is a detail of a fired work. The edge of the patterned area is made by stacking the coloured clay over and over again to create dense layers. When they're ripped, the layers are revealed at the edges, contrasting with the smooth background.

The variations in blue in these works are created in the initial stages of making each work, or a set of works. Different shades of colour are mixed before stacking and arranging each slab. Some works also include a recycled clay, which is a mixture of coloured clays from previous, reclaimed to create a colour that's different each time.

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