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Pottery Workshops in oxford

Here you’ll find details of my next round of pottery experiences. I offer both small group, and private pottery workshops, with no experience needed.

​My aim is for these to be relaxed sessions, focusing on the grounding nature of using clay, whilst creating an object to be used, worn or displayed. 

​Workshops are both for beginners, and for those with some experience with clay.


If you would like to discuss a pottery workshop on a different day, please do get in touch for availability.

next Pottery Workshops 

Alongside the workshops listed above, I have a small number of spaces for one to one workshops over the summer and autumn, so please do get in touch for details. â€‹


If you would like to join my mailing list for further dates and different pottery experience sessions, please do pop me a message on the email address below and I can add you to a workshops mailing list. 




Alternatively, if you'd like to be updated on all things from the studio, you can sign up to my  general mailing list here.


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